Posted in Gadgets, Reviews

VIVOV7+ by Manish Malhotra

We all wait for Valentine ’s Day to make our loved one feel special by flowers, romantic dates and beautiful gifts. Crush the wait, as a special gift coming to you all from Vivo, V7+ limited edition, designed none other than by our favourite Manish Malhota, making it the perfect gift for your loved ones.

Red, the colour of love, evokes a passion in me. Passion to fall in love, to be love and above all it just adds that “Oomph factor” if i am carrying it in any form. So imagine having a gorgeous red phone with you all the time.

Presenting to you the gorgeous VivoV7+ in alluring red colour. And it’s not just the red colour which makes my heart pound, it’s the beautiful golden infinite heart motif at the back which just completes the look of it. The winning golden motif describes the true love as infinite, knowing no boundaries.

The bonus is, that the packaging is super gorgeous and it made me feel so special when I received it. It has quoted the inspiration of Manish Malhotra for designing the beautiful motif and a card where you can write your feelings to the one you are gifting this beauty.

Vivo V7+ Limited Edition is the newest member of the selfie shooter V Series, known for their exceptional photography features, screen quality and overall design of the products. The phone is sleek and perfect in your palm with a display of 5.99″ full view which gives the phone a complete sleek look. It has 18:9 display which lets you show off your individuality and enable self-expression on a clear and big screen

Can you guess what I did when I used the camera of the phone? Ofcourse selfies and this time a lot of them as I was just amazed by the beautiful selfies, clicked by its 24MP Camera with Face beauty feature. The phone is not just good looking and has the best selfies ever but also it has an Octa-core processor and 4GB RAM.  And not to forget that it has 64GB ROM and 256GB expandable storage. One of the coolest features of the phone is the Face Access technology. It is such an easy and convenient way to unlock the phone to capture important memories and moments in life.

And yes! How can we not mention the music quality which Vivo phones are famous for. You won’t be able to resist your feet tapping once you play your favourite music on this gorgeous device.

Its not just a phone, its an emotion which tells your loved one’s of how much special the person is for you and how much the person is loved by you. As not just the flattering looks but also the features are super amazing.

Kudos to Vivo for this wonderful gift which they have given us to share love with one another.


To know more, visit:




Posted in Fashion Trends, Reviews


When the spring fashion was spreading its whimsical magic in the air of Select city Walk , there came another mesmerizing fashion store from the U.S BCBGeneration. “WOW” was my reaction when I looked at this gorgeous shopping destination and my eyes spread wide open and my eagle eye vision geared up. I always talk about the eagle eye vision, where the hunting ground is the shopping ground and my vision is widespread and then get focused on what I want. But truly speaking when I entered BCBG , I didn’t know whether to focus on the apparels or the shoes or jewelry or the itself sparkling store with its amazing décor.

About the interiors, the store is class apart with the beautiful elegant work on the celling,  adding that spark to the overall shopping experience. I couldn’t get my eyes off the the center wall  with outstanding light work giving me a chic feel whenever I came out of the trial room to check myself out.

Continue reading “BCBGeneration”

Posted in Events, Fashion Trends, Media

#Philtre Vibes..

When it plays,

The world sways.

When the music is loud,

We all shout.

I want to mix with the music like colour in water,

I want to give my moves and take its flow in batter.

Not caring about the world and going crazy,

Dancing to the beats and not for a second going lazy.

This is me in my world where i laugh abashedly,

I will sway my waist like a breeze shamelessly.


Summering my feelings in these lines, makes me go in a zone where i only dance and mix with the music. Surely after writing this post i am going to do so dance. These were my feelings and vibes when i was at the party “Red Lips and GnT” at #Philtre, Sector-29, Gurgaon.

Continue reading “#Philtre Vibes..”

Posted in Fasshion Trends

The Girl!

A Girl who is in her world. The world is beautiful with sparkles around, music and bubbles of soap. With sparkling lights whose reflection is always there in her eyes which make her smile. Her smile is one thing which makes her different from the whole world because, that is “HER SMILE”. People say, when she smiles the world looks beautiful to them like roses spread all around and like pigeons flying. She also has wings in this world and she flies, flies high like a bird , like an angel with love in her heart and twinkle in her eyes.

Sprinkling that love all over and all around. She doesn’t understand from where this abundance of showers of love comes to her. She doesn’t want to know from where it comes. She just ravels in the feeling and she wants to spread it and give it.

She has it all. The smile, the love , the purity the sparkle, the twinkle and the magic. She is spreading it and she wants to dance non-stop with infinite energy.

It is divine. It is the world of magic. The world of dreams which is her reality as sparkling as these fairy lights and as pure as her smile and the innocence in these soap bubbles and the flare of the pink.

Pink, the Divine colour, mesmerises her and when she is in this magic. People call her beautiful and when she smiles,she can see that beauty. She goes round and round and feels that fun and kid in her which never stops calling her. That tiny little girl dressed in pink, playing with bubbles, running against the wind with open hands smiling and spraying the love around.

This girl. She is there in each one of the girls on the planet.


This is My World. What’s your world like? 🙂




PINK- @TrendyDiva

BLUE- @FifthAvenueStores

Footwear- @Zara

PC- @ManishDevPhotography



Posted in Fasshion Trends

The Thin Line -Glamorous or Just revealing

Have you ever seen someone at a party or someplace and gave these comments

” OMG, So cheap” “SO Vulgar” “How can she even wear that”

And on the contrary, have you given these complimets out loud or silently to someone at the same party?

“Wow so gorgeous” “Oh lovely, how well she is carrying it” “Just glamorous”. Continue reading “The Thin Line -Glamorous or Just revealing”