Posted in Jewellery, Reviews

Tryb4uBUY, Augmented Reality app..

“OMG! “ was my reaction , when I heard about it. I got so excited that I installed it right away. What am I talking about, you guys are wondering right?
From stone age, we have come to an age which is revolutionizing the world with such a fast pace. This age of technology is connecting us to the world and giving us an experience like never before.
I have a tech background and presently a fashion person. People call me a combo of beauty and brains. Hehe..

Recently,  I saw a technology meeting fashion in the most beautiful way which made my experience so easy and wonderful..
Introducing to you guys one of such technologies in the fashion and product industry. PurpleApple Infosystems providing mobile solutions to us.
This one I am excited about is the Augmented reality for jewelry and other retail sector.

Now “Tryb4Buy” ..Yes!! Now you can try out the jewelry before you purchase it at your home. Infact on your phone screen. After all phones are not just for filters!

Let me take you through a tour of what and how it creates an amazing experience for us all:
A Discovery & Experience App( It has given me experience like never before where we can select the jewelry we like and have an experience like real time of trying the sets on ourselves and choosing the perfect design for ourselves).

How does it work now:

  1. We install the app from the Google Play store((
  2. We open the app and select the jeweller we want to shop
  3. We select as many designs from the list which can be tried on us
  4. Take a selfie or live picture or pick a picture saved in the gallery of your mobile
  5. Then all the jewelry which we selected appear in the screen as a slider at the bottom
  6. Each piece can be selected to TRY one by one
  7. Resize, Rotate, Adjust them and place it on our picture accordingly
  8. Then we can SAVE it  Or we can SHARE it with friends for suggestion if its nice on us
  9. Also then we can CONTACT the Jeweller directly and get the best price
  10. Then we can go ahead and buy it







Here are the features in details as how is Tryb4uBUY so exciting and helpful:

1) TRY :
You can select the jewellery & try them either live or taking photo from gallery.

You can Zoom In, Zoom out, Rotate the jewelry and make it look like  you are wearing it in real time.


I always like to take suggestions from my family and my friends when I am buying something online. Sometimes we need to take a screenshot of the product and send it to the concerned person and then ask for the suggestion. But there the product is not on us. Here it is just magic, where I can try the jewelry on myself and then send that picture of me wearing the jewelry
to Near & Dear ones through whatsapp, FB, Instagram, etc . with just a click. Isn’t that amazing ? Definitely husbands wills be happy with this feature as it will save their time and the couple will be happy taking and giving suggestion of what to buy .


The best part of this app is that I can Shop ANY TIME, ANY DAY, ANY WHERE to find your perfect jewelry for any occasion. Wow, what a relief!!

Yes , we have a wide range of choices to choose from. Now we don’t have to go to different jewelers and waste time in going to them one by one and then trying out the jewelry at all the stores. Isn’t that a waste of time? Here we can choose UNIQUE jewelry from multiple designs & options.


Generally while shopping online we are worried of the authenticity of the brands and here when we talk about buying jewelry , I would definitely be super conscious. But Buyb4uBUY has done all the homework for us where the jewelers have been authenticated before coming on the  portal(with their location on the map in the app, contact details and address)


We always wonder if the particular design available online is available or not and also think if we could get the best price for this. So Tryb4uBUY makes this easy for us, as just with a click we can contact the buyer and discuss the design’s availability , final cost and all the details directly from him.


There is something here more for the jewellers also . The IN-STORE Experience tool. The  Jewellers can now provide In-Store experience with their EXCLUSIVE jewellery to the customers by putting up the live screen in the store where in the similar way the clients can try the jewellery in the store on the screen. Now you can update your store from old-fashioned catalogues and switch to this interesting concept and make value for money giving added value and an experience to the customers.

Tryb4uBUYis a great marketing and lead generation tool.

For the customers, it is Magic and such an Amazing discovery and Experience App. It is so much user friendly that you will use it in complete flow and I am sure as I have love did you would also love the purchase from this app..

SO NOW Tryb4uBUY!!


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