Posted in Fasshion Trends

The Thin Line -Glamorous or Just revealing

Have you ever seen someone at a party or someplace and gave these comments

” OMG, So cheap” “SO Vulgar” “How can she even wear that”

And on the contrary, have you given these complimets out loud or silently to someone at the same party?

“Wow so gorgeous” “Oh lovely, how well she is carrying it” “Just glamorous”.

Ladies, there is a very thin line between looking glamorous and looking vulgar specially when you are wearing a revealing outfit. There are ways you can wear the most revealing outfit and still juts pull it off like a Diva.

Here are some important tips which can help you for the same. Some do s and don’t s.

Till the time you are a teenager where your body is in the process of becoming more, you look cute in whatever you put on yourself until you have alot of weight on you.

When you are wearing a revealing piece its always good to bring out the lady in you. This goes specially for the girls out there.

You need to feel like a lady who is powerful and elegant both at the same time, as you are what you feel. So starting with feeling like an elegant lady would do half of the work. Then comes the outfit:

  • If you choose a skirt and a top, then either it should be short skirt and a decent top or a short top with a long skirt or pants.
  • If it is a dress flaunting your cleavage then you can just wear a neck  which is covering your neck or the multi-layered jewellery
  • If you don’t choose a jewellery or don’t have one or choose to go neat then the play is all about your hair
  • Girls I can’t stress on the effect of your hair on your complete look .It is 80% of the whole dress.
  • When you decide to wear something flaunting your skin do take care of your hair to be done super nicely , whether it be messy bun or open hair or neat bun or clean sticky look.
  • It is all about class when you decide to wear something like this, so a pair of nice neat and classy shoes would do the magic to take you to the category where people compliment you “Wow you can pull it off so nicely”!
  • Then comes the love of my life, The Bags. You need to match your bag with your outfit and not just match it , do carry it with grace where you hold it in a way that just add that pinch of class to your whole look.
  • You can also add shrugs or small jackets to add to your look as with a revealing outfit these add class to your overall look.

Don’t s:

  • Don’t try to over-reveal
  • Don’t try to wear uncomfortable footwear when you are in such outfit as you might tumble or wobble. Let your feet be comfortable and neat as its all about confidence when you are pulling a revealing piece off.
  • Don’t drink too much in party as if you do then the class such goes away when people see you hanging and may label you that you are available.
  • Ladies one secret, men like the women you just sway a little with that glass of wine in their hand and who just sway and don’t exaggerate it. They find them: Glamorous, powerful, fun, elegant and FINE!!
  • Don’t wear too much of jewellery-When you will wear a piece you will know what is overdone so don’t try to wear everything all at once because you want to wear it or you bought it new or even if you haven’t worn it anywhere.

I am putting down my pictures from SoDelhi Confluence where i wore a cleavage revealing outfit with a little crop on the top. Wearing the layered neckpiece added the chic effect to my look with a neat open hair do with a center part. Also a clutch just going right with my jewellery. I havn’t matched my shoes to total orange as my wooden




footwear added the being different bling in my look. Rest above all i am wearing my confidence.

Rest it is a choice which you have to go glam or otherwise even with best of the outfits and figure you have.


I choose to be Fine and glamorous do you?





Engineer turned to A bike designer and then a fashion expert . National T.V anchor, model and actor. Blogger by love with her life !

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